La educación para la paz como instrumento para validar derechos humanos, lingüísticos y culturales Peace education as an instrument to validate linguistic and cultural human rights
Karla Del Carpio

This article emphasizes the need to join efforts to ensure that the human rights especially of indigenous children are respected and promoted through quality education so that their childhood is enriched. It is therefore necessary to improve the type of bilingual education that indigenous communities receive, for example, Tsotsil children in Chiapas, Mexico. Historically, this population has received a subtractive type of bilingual education; process in which the child's indigenous language has only been used while learning Spanish and then such a language (Spanish) replaces the child's native language. This confirms that bilingual education is not simply about teaching content in two languages, that is, this type of program is linked to political movements related to civil rights, educational equity, integration and assimilationist policies. On the other hand, bilingual education is a component that is part of a social, economic, educational, cultural and political framework. In the same way, it is essential to recognize the situation of the languages involved in this type of programs since economic, social and political factors influence their status. It is concluded that both education and the school need to become instruments of equity, inclusion, freedom and harmony.

Full Text: PDF     DOI: 10.15640/imjcr.v9n1a1