Exploring Dimensions of Entrepreneurial Skills among Student Enterprise at Higher Learning Institution in Malaysia: A Case of Student Enterprise of University Utara Malaysia
Armanurah Mohamad, Muhammad Hussin, Nor Aishah Buang

The objectives of the study were to (1) explore entrepreneurial skills dimensions among student enterprise at the higher learning institution in Malaysia, namely participants of the Program Siswaniaga of Universiti Utara Malaysia (2) assess the reliability of each dimension of the entrepreneurial skills, and (3) assess the validity and overall reliability of the entrepreneurial skills instrument. The researcher performed this study via cross-sectional method. The sample comprised 107 participants of Program Siswaniaga who carried out business on campus in the year 2008 and 2009 for a period of six months to a year. The study showed six dimensions were developed in the entrepreneurial skills construct. The validity of the formation of the six dimensions were proved through the process of factor analysis. After the filtration of items using a factor analysis, the instrument ended with 23 valid items that fell into six dimensions. All of the six dimensions of entrepreneurial skills formed, and the overall instrument of entrepreneurial skills consisting of 23 items were proved to be valid and reliable. The implication of the study was that student enterprise possessed more entrepreneurial skills on the “know-how” part as compared to the “know-who” components. Therefore, university and student enterprise should organize relevant programs that could enriched participants with both of these entrepreneurial skills components.

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